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Kotisivu / Liha

Naudanliha curry

Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
Canned beef curry is a convenient and budget-friendly meal option that offers easy preparation, a long shelf life, delicious taste, and versatility. It is ideal for busy individuals, those living in areas with limited access to refrigeration, and those looking for a cost-effective food solution. With its rich and flavorful sauce combined with tender pieces of beef, it provides a satisfying and comforting meal that can be enjoyed on its own or served over rice.

Naudan lounasliha

Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
Canned beef luncheon meat is highly versatile in cooking. It can be used as a protein source in a variety of dishes, such as sandwiches, salads, casseroles, and more. This versatility means that it can be used in a range of different recipes to provide a tasty and nutritious meal. In conclusion, canned beef luncheon meat is a convenient, long-lasting, and versatile food option that is perfect for busy individuals and those who are looking for a quick and easy meal solution.

Porsaan lounasliha

Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
Canned pork luncheon meat is a versatile and convenient ingredient that is perfect for busy weekdays. Whether you're in need of a quick and easy lunch or dinner solution, canned pork luncheon meat is a perfect choice. With its tender texture and delicious flavor, this product can be used in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches to stir-fries. Additionally, it is a great option for meal prepping as it has a long shelf life. So, if you're looking for a pantry staple that can add a touch of deliciousness to your meals, look no further than canned pork luncheon meat.


Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
Canned chicken luncheon meat is a versatile and convenient ingredient that is perfect for busy weekdays. Whether you're in need of a quick and easy lunch or dinner solution, canned chicken luncheon meat is a perfect choice. With its tender texture and delicious flavor, this product can be used in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches to stir-fries. Additionally, it is a great option for meal prepping as it has a long shelf life. So, if you're looking for a pantry staple that can add a touch of deliciousness to your meals, look no further than canned chicken luncheon meat.

Naudan tomaatit

Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
One of the best features of stewed tomatoes is that they’re conveniently ready-to-use as a side dish or as an ingredient in any number of meals. With tomatoes as the primary ingredient, you can count on a boost of antioxidant vitamins C and A. They’re also a good source of iron and B vitamins. Just beware of the potential for high salt if you use canned stewed tomatoes.

Alkuperäinen lihapasta

Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
The Canned Meat Paste is filled with diced pork fried sauce, which is a Chinese dish with meat as its main ingredient. The main ingredients are lean mince, soy sauce, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce and minced scallion, ginger and garlic.


Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
The canned food is made of high quality mushroom and meat in China traditional technology. It is rich in nutrition and delicious. We can supply whole, P & S and Slices champignon in brine or marinated, top quality and competitive price.


Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
Our Canned Corned Beef is made from high-quality beef that is carefully cooked and seasoned to perfection, resulting in a savory and hearty flavor that can be enjoyed on its own or as an ingredient in various dishes. Our canning process ensures that the beef stays fresh and delicious, making it an excellent addition to any pantry.

Viiriäisen munat

Tuki OEM/ODM-palveluille
Quail eggs are highly nutritious and contain more protein, vitamins, and minerals than chicken eggs on a per-gram basis. They are also lower in cholesterol and fat, making them a healthier alternative for people who are trying to watch their diet.


Räätälöi oma brändisi
Laadukkaiden tuotantolaitosten ja ammattitaitoisen T&K-tiimin ansiosta voimme tehdä kaikkemme vastataksemme OEM/ODM-ratkaisuihin Kaikki kysymykset. Laatu on Tianzin ydinarvo, joka heijastuu kaikkiin liiketoimintamme näkökohtiin. Luo rikasta arvoa, joka edistää terveyttäsi ja hyvinvointi.



Toimiston osoite (vienti): Guangzhou-toimisto: nro 610-611, Shu NJ ing kauppakeskus, nro 855, teollisuuskatu etelään, H Aizhun alue, Guangzhou, Kiina (manner) Shanghain toimisto: nro 806-807, nimeltään AI, nro 333, kaista 1, jinin tapainen tie, PU ymmärtää uutta aluetta, Shanghai, Kiina (manner)

Tehtaan osoite: Xinjiang: teollisuuden taloudellisen ja teknologisen kehityksen vyöhyke hän sanoi Qingshui Xinjiangin Kiina (Manner) Guangzhou: no.91 Z Ijing Road, Dongshan talous- ja korkean teknologian vyöhyke, hampaiden kylä, Guangzhou, Kiina (manner) Hubei: Xichu Industrial Park, Zigui, Hubei, Kiina (Manner)

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